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Ewings Family, May 2024

We had a really wonderful time.  No missed connections with our various guides over there, all of the arrangements and support worked great and were very helpful.  The accommodations were the mix we were after of relative value and nice, though I must say we could all go back to the Lotte Hotel Seoul and stay for about two weeks!

We were blessed with really good weather the whole time.  The one exception to that was one day in Kyoto it rained buckets, but that fortunately fell on the day we had all indoor activities scheduled.  Lucky us!

Thanks also for your help on the q’s while we were over there, was good info on those specifics.  Think that’s all I have, Carla please chime in with any other thoughts.


Jun 11, 2024

Customers from Margi Arnold, Creative Travel Adventures, Denver, Colorado.

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