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Jacquie Green, July 27, 2016

Dear Kay and team,

I would like to thank you for helping us plan the best trip ever. There’s a reason it’s called, “The Amazing Thailand” because it was terrific. We had an amazing time and our guides, Ms. Jane and Mr. Suphote were ‘the best’. Their spontaneity, professionalism, knowledge, and sense of humor made them both interesting, and fun. We totally enjoyed being with them.
The hotels and service was great.
The elephant camp was an awesome experience and super fun. Taking care of an elephant for the day and riding one as well was a dream fulfilled.
Feeding the monks was an experience of a lifetime.
Ms. Jane and Mr. Suphote took us to great restaurants and we tried a variety of local and authentic Thai foods
The temples were interesting as well as the images of Buddha – the White temple and Wat Po were my personal favorites

I would highly recommend your tours and guides to anyone visiting Thailand in the future.


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