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Linda, July 2017

Here’s her Facebook post as she prepares to leave Vietnam after the fabulous trip you helped me put together, Derrick. Thank you SO much!!!!

Heading home. What an epic trip. Jacki and I agreed that this is our best trip together… ever (and we’ve had a few!). Why? It’s all thanks to Linda Goldand her agency, Do It Now Adventures (www.doitnowadventures.com). Jacki and I literally just showed up. Didn’t book, research, schedule, or coordinate a thing. Totally stress free. It was like being a kid! We would be out in the middle of NO WHERE and a driver with an air conditioned car would magically show up to take us to where we needed to go. We had personal guides in the major cities and awesome hotel accommodations. I wouldn’t have been able to pull this off on my own. We aren’t even home yet and I’ve already got Linda working on the next excursion. I may never book another trip myself again. Thanks Linda!

Wow, Derrick–definitely a grand slam!!!!! Thank you!!!! I’m a V’Explore fan forever. I want to go on this trip next!!!!!
Thanks again,

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