866-501-7477 info@vexploretours.com

Wijtman/Shurtleff/Kennedy Party, November 2018

The Kiwis had a fabulous time. We don’t usually do such a “formal” or planned way of travelling, but it was superb, took a lot of stress away having it all done for you. Some days were pretty full on and long… but given the time we had its understandable… dont think we could have crammed any more in. Spending those 3 days at the resort was a good call.. (cheers Mark). Definitely going back to Cambodia for more time.

Many thanks for setting it up, n thanks to my amazing lifelong friends for making it such a pleasure n memorable occasion.

Cant wait for the next one!!!



It was an unbelievable experience and every thing went smoothly! Great job by you and the rest of the team! It was a fantastic trip and we would like to go back and do more but there are so many spots to go see! Thanks for all your great service!

One last note…I thought our guides were outstanding!

Thanks Again!



Cathy, this trip was amazing! You are correct, we could not have seen all that we did in the time that we had without the great guides and drivers!  Phu Quoc was a great break for us all as the pace was a little hectic!  The people in Vietnam and Cambodia are so friendly, the sights are incredible and the food was to die for!  Thanks again for another fabulous trip!     Mario

I would like to add that we really enjoyed the hotel accommodations as well.  The service and amenities provided by each of the hotels was impressive!



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